
Bison and Bums

So my sister Jackie is on a 2 week vacation….rafting in Idaho, then off to Montana and Yellowstone for some hiking. 

She calls me yesterday morning at work, as I’m gearing up my computer in sweltering midtown NYC, and she’s rattling off the adventures she’s experiencing.  I’m listening, the phone tucked under my chin, as I’m emailing and shuffling papers around my desk.  She’s looking forward to seeing a whole slew of animals, excitedly mentioning a bison.

At 3:57pm, I get a text….

J:  So far…Cinnamon black bear, coyote, Bison, Grizzly with 2 cubs and Elk.

At 4pm, I text back…

Me:  So far…2 homeless people, stray cats, a pile of garbage and an Israeli protest.

We aren’t having the same kind of day 🙂