
Cloud – E

I like clouds.  There is something magical about them.  They move with grace…they come in all shapes and sizes…they are stormy or light…they spark our childlike imaginations…they reflect beautiful color….they provide shade on a sunny day.  We can’t hold them but we can look at them in awe and wonder.

I call my apartment in the city “the cloud.”  Because it is my oasis in the sky – 12 floors up.  It is my place to dream, to relax, to feel safe.  Many of us picture heaven in the clouds, with gleaming pearly gates.  Some people see clouds as cotton candy, fluffy and sweet.  Clouds can be art – like a swift stroke of a painters brush.  But most of all, clouds are a phoenix of nature – ever rising, ever flying – showering the earth.



E and the City

This city is all about the E….it is Everywhere…in plain sight and lurking in the shadows…..and here it is underfoot, on the subway platform, telling me to “stEp aside”….and I did.


Hot Diggity!

Yes – I did it. Finally. I’ve been holding off – waiting for the right moment to present itself. And it did – on a rainy Sunday in New York. Not sure why. But some of life’s most important questions are not always meant to be answered. I just took the opportunity…and ate with it.

Papaya King. Yes.

I have lived in this amazing city over 22 years and I finally made the leap. Friends are shocked…no one believes, but it’s true. Somehow I have escaped the drunken nights out without one (or maybe I just don’t remember?) No – I think this is something one doesn’t forget.

Two dogs. Mustard. Sauerkraut. Simple. Crisp, warm, tasty. And cheap. Does it get any better than that?

Next time…dogs and a papaya juice!



Pat Benatar sang, Love is a battlefield. I say, Love is a paradox.

Love is ethereal, elusive, engaging, encompassing. We can’t hold it, we can’t eat it, we can’t bottle it. It is external and internal – a cultural contradiction and paradox. But most of all, love is a mystery.

And perhaps that’s why it is so alluring. When we feel it – it is powerful. When it leaves us, we feel loss. The definition for love is as broad and diverse as the peoples on this planet. Love varies depending on who you talk to, where they live, how they grew up and what their individual experiences have been in that emotional colliseum.

I believe so many of us get caught up in semantics of love – well, do you love her or are you IN love with her, a friend may ask. Umm – I don’t know – is there a guideline for that? We try to pigeon-hole love, by categorizing it, labeling it, charting it up. That helps us to understand it as best we can, much as the ancients believed in various Gods governing the different elements of life and nature. We too feel the need to make sense of the “thunder” if you will – the tremors in our hearts when we encounter love, the shaking of the earth beneath our feet. I suspect it gives us a sense of security (albeit a false one) to understand it and reign it in. We yearn for control – and love, by it’s very definition, is uncontrollable.

Perhaps I’m reading too much… 🙂