
Movin’ On Up

Hi All!  I’ve migrated my blog to this new location – very excited to expand and bring you even more thoughts, tips and stories to help you navigate this crazy thing called Life.

As always, thank you for hanging with me and allowing me into your world.  Spread the word!


Buddha Balboa

Day of Birth

I had a birthday yesterday.  Thank you, yes, thank you.  I made it another year.  Certainly survival is something to be proud of.

I’m one of those people who enjoy’s a birthday.  I think it fun and exciting to celebrate a moment in time when I slid into this life.  Not of any true effort on my part – that was all mom’s doing (as my mother used to like to remind me – that my birthday was actually a day to celebrate HER since she was the one who did all the work.)  Mother’s do know best.

Some folks aren’t too keen on a birthday celebration.  Some just don’t like all the hoopla of cake and candles, the singing of the always memorable Happy Birthday song.  It could be  the passage of time they don’t appreciate or the feeling of being the center of attention.  Or maybe it was a sad birthday memory where that pony they wished for never materialized.  (I, for one, never wished for a pony.  I was a tad more practical – requesting a bike or new pair of sneakers.  And hay costs a fortune.)

TBIF (Thank Buddha It's Friday)

Thank Buddha It’s Friday…

Sorry, we're closed

Sorry, we’re closed (Photo credit: verbeeldingskr8)

It’s Friday folks – and time to Thank Buddha It’s Friday!

At the end of a long week at work, many of us thank the heavens for our temporary weekend liberation.  Because we all need a break from the rat race…some “down time.”

And this has been a heck of a week in our country – with the government shutdown and all.  Not going all political on you, to me it’s not about who is right or who is wrong…or which side of this debate you fall on.  That ultimately doesn’t matter.

What matters is that we, as a country, as a people, can’t seem to get out of our own way.  We can’t seem to get past our own agendas, egos and belief systems – which turn us into stone pillars incapable of flexibility.  Life is not that way – we have to remain adaptable at every turn…we have to compromise and understand and step down once in a while.  We can’t always get “our way.”  Children want that – and when they throw their temper tantrums, we punish them, we give them a time-out in order to discourage the behavior.  Unfortunately, we, the people, are getting the time-out instead of the lawmakers.

Buddha Balboa

The Confused Truth

The truth can be confusing.

Because although we like to see the truth as something concrete and objective, the truth of truth is that in many cases it is subjective.  What you may feel is your truth, I may not feel is my truth.

Why is this?  I believe it comes from the variety in our cultures, upbringings and experiences.  How we see the truth, politically, economically, socially, may differ immensely from our neighbors.  Our opinions and biases come into play – coloring our spectacles.

Certainly there are universal truths that most of us embrace – like that of murder being bad (not including terrorist organizations or the criminally insane, which is a whole different discussion) – but in general, there are those basic beliefs/truths that we understand to be held by most human beings walking the planet.  We tend to equate truth with being rock-solid, unbending, unwavering.  It makes us feel better to think this way.

I’ve been watching a number of videos this week, in which experts discuss their research and conclusions on various topics about understanding the science of thriving. As the positive psychology movement has been highlighting lately, science can indeed measure and explain our humanness (if you will)…and our unending desires for happiness, love and fulfillment.