

Perspective is everything.  And it is defined (per one dictionary source) as such:

1. a way of regarding situations, facts, etc, and judging their relative importance

2. the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it; objectivity: try to get some perspective on your troubles

When looking at a situation, we look at it through a distorted lens…that of our own eyes, which are colored by our experiences.  We find it hard to get perspective on so many aspects of our lives because we are immersed in them – we struggle to find the distance to step outside our vision, and see what’s factual, what’s truly real.  “Can’t see the forest for the trees” as the old expression goes.

It happens to us all.  From the richest to the poorest, the most powerful to the least – we can’t always see clearly.  Oftentimes, it is by accident that we gain perspective, after we’ve had something and lost it, or after something is brought to light by a friend or loved one.  And that is when retrospect comes into play…our ability to look back and see what’s left in the road behind us.

It reminds me of the lyrics in a Jackson Browne song – “…does it take a death to learn what a life is worth?”

Wouldn’t it help us all if we could learn this perspective skill without all the pain and fuss?  Learn to see AND appreciate what we have, what is before us or find ways to change it?

I usually recommend away from comparisons because they are often mired in faulty knowledge, but when it comes to gaining perspective, comparing can be a useful tool.  When a friend complains about their job, they can gain perspective by comparing the difficulties they face with those who are unemployed looking for work.  Gratitude comes into play when perspective is present.  In stepping back, and scanning the horizon, we can see the beauty and the big picture.  We can stand in humility and grace.  We can see the forest and the trees. 

As I walked in my apartment building the other day, my security guard/doorman Martin greeted me as always – and in our brief conversation, he said “Life is not a repeat” refering to something I must’ve said.  I lifted my finger as if an idea had struck me and replied “You’re right.”  It was life’s reminder that I should be grateful…and stand back and embrace the non-repeating nature of my pathway.