
Buddha Balboa

Bionic Life

Bionic.  I think we are in search of a modern-day bionic life.

If you’re old enough to remember the show “The Six Million Dollar Man” from the 70’s – a big high-five.  If you’re not, look it up….youtube it.  Find out what all the excitement was surrounding the rebuilt astronaut Steve Austin (other than his 70’s good looks.)

The premise was that we could rebuild a broken man and make him “better… stronger…faster” (music swells as Steve Austin runs at lightning speed.)  Ah, 70’s television – I miss it.

The thrill of the show was that we finally had the technology to do something never done before.  We had become advanced enough as a species to go beyond our wildest dreams.  It was post-space travel capability and pre-cell phone domination.  It was the cusp of something superhuman.

And so here we are today – with our bionic lives in place.  We may not have a computer eye in our heads (yet), or legs that outrun an Olympic sprinters, but we have created a world that is in overdrive…flying by, morphing, twirling like a Tasmanian Devil.

How do we keep up?  Or better yet, do we need to?

There is an argument, naturally, on both sides of this coin.  Of course we need to keep up, say the workforce guru’s, as the only way to compete in today’s job market is to outrun the competition.  Technology is the driving force – a new gadget magically appears practically every quarter (never mind annually, that’s so old school.)  I blame Apple for that – creating and marketing the next best thing – with unveilings coincidentally surfacing around holidays and school seasons.  It’s a thirst that can never be quenched – “What – you only have an iPhone 4S?  Oh.  Sorry.”  As if the latest anything will bring us joy, prestige, happiness and self-esteem.  What it brings us really is dwindling bank accounts, increasing credit card debt and just another soon-to-be outdated piece of tech equipment earmarked for the junk drawer.

So what are we doing to ourselves?  The big boys are making tons of money off our desire, or rather our “need”, to be at the front of the line.  Maybe it’s our ancient yearnings bubbling up – the need to beat our chests and be king of the jungle.  Maybe it’s the desire to belong – to not be an outsider.  I mean, who does NOT own a cellphone these days?  My dad does, even though he can barely use it – I’m pretty sure there are voicemails I left him 3 years ago that he never retrieved.  I try to cut him some slack – there are a lot of buttons to push – it can be confusing.

Our need for speed is outpacing our ability to learn.  Our multi-tasking is actually, according to neuroscientists, re-wiring our brains.  What?  Yes, re-wiring our brains.  So maybe we are altering ourselves bionically after all.  We can’t focus, we lose sleep, we burn the candle not only at both ends, but have torched the whole darned ball of wax.

Can we slow down?  Is it too late for that?  I don’t think so.  There’s a bit of street talk about quitting Facebook, powering down our phones at dinner, and going off the grid during vacations.  We are trying to loosen the grids grip on us – as it squeezes us into forced decompression.  We need it gang….we really do.  We need to step away from the bloated buffet of technology and remember what a tree looks like, before we’ve cut them all down.  (Oh God, I realize I’m suddenly sounding like a wild-haired hippie tree-hugger right now, but that’s not my intention.)  I’m just like the rest of us – I want my iPhone and my cake too.  I love my Kindle and my Apple TV and my high-speed Internet connection.  It all makes for convenience in my day.  BUT – and I draw the line here – not at the expense of my ability to understand that it’s just metal and wires and invisible electromagnetic waves (which is probably the source of many a migraine other than just hearing your mother’s voice on the end of the line.)  It’s not flesh and blood like you and me.  It has no heart or soul or whatever you may call it.  Shouldn’t we remind ourselves once in a while that technology is A source, not THE source.

And not for nothin’, six million dollars to rebuild a man?  I’ve seen apartments that cost more than that.  Inflation.  – BB

Two Cents Tuesday

Edit, People, Edit

It’s Two Cents Tuesday…

Editing has gotten a bad rap.

As a writer, and someone interested in the written word as a fulfilling means of communication, one may think it strange I believe in the power of editing.  The ability to be precise and concise in ones writing is the number one rule in many a wordsmiths handbook….even the prolific Stephen King touts the unspoken golden rule – brevity.  

Our society is a full pendulum swing away from editing itself…between Facebook, Twitter and cell phones, we let it all ‘hang out’.  We say anything we please – without fear, without care.  And yes, there is something bold in that…powerful….but also very short-sighted, and for lack of a better word, stupid.

I do look up to people who speak their mind – who are honest and forthright – who say what they think and feel.  It is very brave.  When spoken eloquently, the truth or opinion of truth, can change people…much as Martin Luther King Jr. did when he spoke his ‘dream’ to the world.

And then there is someone like Mark Twain, who had his autobiography published (in volumes, no less) 100 years after his death.  Twain, one of the most famous authors of our time, had an ability to be both biting and sentimental when he spoke his beliefs.  Apparently he left tons of material behind, in a memoir type fashion, that was to be compiled and published a century after his death….some say to protect those he wrote about (as he obviously didn’t want to edit his material) and others say it was a grand PR move.  Whatever the reason, Mr. Twain did not mince nor edit his meaty words.

So why do I believe in editing so strongly?  Because it is often in our best interest.  We do it on a daily basis whether we realize it or not.  We edit what we say to our boss (how many times have we’ve bitten our tongue?), what we say to our loved ones, or even strangers.  We all know saying what you really feel is not always best at the moment you’re feeling it – although the reverse argument has its validity.  It’s more of a “think” before you speak, before you post/tweet/text, philosophy I believe in.  And what could it hurt?  Does a re-read of an email or report or letter ever cause any harm?  No…but the public publishing can.  As the expression goes, some things are better left unsaid.

Our forefathers edited the Declaration of Independence before they signed it, didn’t they?  The laws of our society are such that although we’ve penned our right to free speech, we should also understand that with that freedom comes responsibility…to each other.  Speaking out, demonstrating, blogging are great venues of expression and sharing – but they should be tempered with humility and compassion…for others viewpoints and belief systems.  So many people abuse the right of free speech as a means to promote their own personal agendas which creates an unhealthy society, mired in the mentality of “me”. 

Our modern social media environment has allowed us to become more global than we ever imagined – and as technology continues to expand and advance, so too will each of our reaches.  What you put out in the world – in print or video – will become part of your history, your story to tell.  Say what you feel, what you think, what you believe…but always keep one thing in mind…learn to edit.

Edit.  It begins with E…and I love E. – BB

(That was probably more like my 31 Cents worth…perhaps I need to take my own advice and edit.)

Two Cents Tuesday

Two Cents Tuesday

Buddha Balboa is starting Two Cents Tuesday– a day I/we get to throw our 2 cents into the fountain. 

We all have something to say.  Our two cents.

I think it is the fundamental need of people – to be HEARD.  Listened to, yes, but moreso heard.  How else can you explain the explosion of blogging, Twitter, Facebook, reality television and YouTube?

So today I have some “cents” to spend…

First impressions are everything.  Nothing else needs to be said here.  Make a good one.

You either exude a positive or a negative energy about you…make that choice.  How do you want to be known?

Awesome quote – “Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.” – Gandhi.  Most of us have heard the first part – to live each day to it’s fullest, as if it’s your last….BUT, learn as if you were to live forever?  How cool is that?  That message – to keep learning….and my belief, is that as long as you live, if you are open to it, you WILL keep on learning…evolving.  Life is a learning experience.  We don’t reach some invisible finish line where we should stop absorbing, questioning, wondering.  Being curious is being alive.  Learn everything – learn as if you were to live forever.  I love it.

That’s three cents actually.  Inflation.  And I have a lot to say.

Send me your 2 cents worth – what’s on your mind? – BB