
TBIF (Thank Buddha It's Friday)


It’s a very Thank Buddha It’s Friday for one bus rider today.

I jump on the bus this morning to commute to work and I sit next to a young guy.  I’m guessing he was late 20’s or early 30’s.  I did not take notice of him (as we New Yorker’s sometimes have tunnel vision) until he leaned over to ask me a question.

“Do I smell like alcohol?”

An odd question to ask a stranger at 8:30am but I get it.

Me:  Um…yes.  (I detected the faint smell as soon as I sat.)

He replied back with a bit of a sigh, worried.  He was going to work and didn’t want to smell like booze.

Him:  My managers won’t be in so…

Me:  Well that’s good.  Just lay low.


“Do I smell like Bloody Mary’s?”

Clearly this was the drink of the night.  (Or he was hoping to use the ‘I had a Bloody Mary at a business meeting this morning’ excuse.)

Me:  Uh – I don’t know.

Him:  I got 5 hours of sleep…

Me:  Well, just go home tonight.

Him:  Yeah, I’m going to…I have my birthday party tomorrow night.

He asked me if I had perfume or something in my bag…I said no….and he laughed saying something like, who asks that?  It was clear he was still a little inebriated from the night before and was trying to sober up, or appear sober, any way he could.  Even by wearing women’s perfume.

He yawned excessively – and the stale alcohol scent clung to him like an unripe grape on the vine.  He wore a cap and loafers without socks – clearly a last-minute wardrobe choice on the way to a long day at the office.

As he exited the bus, I wished him good luck.  He laughed – knowing he would need it.  And off he went – into the streets of NYC – in the hopes of making it through the day, unnoticed.

I felt his “pain” – I think I even commented that it happens – people stay out too late and go to work still feeling the effects of the prior evening.  He’ll get through it.

Funny what you will encounter in your day.  It’s a big whopping TBIF for that guy.

I should’ve recommended Gatorade. – BB

TBIF (Thank Buddha It's Friday)

TBIF (Thank Buddha It’s Friday)

Ahhhh yes…it’s that glorious day of the week for the traditional worker….Friday!

And why do we look at Friday differently?  Because as a culture we have come to view it as the marker of freedom – from our jobs, our daily grind, our weeklong drudgery.  Yuck.  Why have we done this to ourselves?

Yes – is it nice knowing that now we have some “free” time to enjoy our other pursuits – that of relaxation, dinner with family, hobbies and sports?  Yes, it is.  Have we come to believe that the weekend, days off, are our time to be who we really are, without the confines of cubicle culture?  Yes, we have.

Although that’s lovely and all – I don’t think I want to hear “Happy Friday” from anyone anymore.  I want to hear, “Happy that we are alive and have jobs and have our health and have love and look how fortunate we really are Day” from my office mates and fellow street passengers.  Wouldn’t that be refreshing?!

The truth is – Buddha Balboa get’s it.  There are 2 sides to just about everything.  BUT – if we flip the perspective coin and let every day land heads up, then every day can be our personal Friday.  Every day can be a chance to be who we really are…to be thankful for what we have…and to look forward to work as well as play.  It’s all part of the same circle.

So, with that in mind, Thank Buddha It’s Today. – BB