pet peeves

Buddha Balboa

The Pet Peeve (or Can You Not Do That, Please?)

Look.  I say please…a lot.  I was taught Please and Thank You and Bless You and Excuse Me and all the other niceties we share on a daily basis.  But pet peeves, or things that annoy, are a whole different ball of wax.  Different game, different rules.  There are things that get under our skin – actions by others that we don’t get – and they bother us to beat the band.  These pet peeves we’ve developed in life are subjective – your peeve may not be my peeve…by a mile.  So what makes them grate against our sense of well-being?  I mean, what does it matter if someone chews with their mouth open?  Or taps their pencil incessantly when you’re trying to work?  Or blows their nose at the dinner table while you’re still eating?  (Oh, sorry, that’s my husband.  He has a bit of a sinus issue and I forgive him because, well, that’s love.)