
TBIF (Thank Buddha It's Friday)

Prince Pics

It’s Friday friends…TBIF. 

Pics of Prince Harry have surfaced.  And he’s naked.  In Vegas.  Need I say more?

There’s a swell of hoopla surrounding this naturally – people seem to enjoy a certain level of scandal.  As long as it’s not about them.

We love to make our judgments about the activities of others – as if our opinion should be gospel.  But it’s not.  We are all the same – and we all make mistakes.

Yes – do I think that Harry didn’t show the best judgment in his partying – especially these days with cell phones, YouTube and Twitter as regular party companions?  It’s not an easy world to be private anymore.  We have to pick and choose our moments when we can throw caution to the wind…or our clothes, for that matter.

He’s a royal.  He comes from a certain blood lineage.  This is true.  But he’s also a person – just like every single one of us.  Young and impetuous.  

The spotlight of scrutiny will be Prince Harry’s biggest hangover right now.  Let this be a reminder that privacy is king.


Two Cents Tuesday

Two Cents Tuesday

Buddha Balboa is starting Two Cents Tuesday– a day I/we get to throw our 2 cents into the fountain. 

We all have something to say.  Our two cents.

I think it is the fundamental need of people – to be HEARD.  Listened to, yes, but moreso heard.  How else can you explain the explosion of blogging, Twitter, Facebook, reality television and YouTube?

So today I have some “cents” to spend…

First impressions are everything.  Nothing else needs to be said here.  Make a good one.

You either exude a positive or a negative energy about you…make that choice.  How do you want to be known?

Awesome quote – “Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.” – Gandhi.  Most of us have heard the first part – to live each day to it’s fullest, as if it’s your last….BUT, learn as if you were to live forever?  How cool is that?  That message – to keep learning….and my belief, is that as long as you live, if you are open to it, you WILL keep on learning…evolving.  Life is a learning experience.  We don’t reach some invisible finish line where we should stop absorbing, questioning, wondering.  Being curious is being alive.  Learn everything – learn as if you were to live forever.  I love it.

That’s three cents actually.  Inflation.  And I have a lot to say.

Send me your 2 cents worth – what’s on your mind? – BB