
To Market, To Market…

You can tell a lot about a person by the groceries they buy. 

I just bought:
Multi-grain Cheerios
Weight Watchers Whole Wheat Rolls
Smart Ones Fettucini Alfredo
1/2 lb Boar’s Head Turkey
1/3 lb Provolone Cheese
Quart of 2% reduced fat milk
Low-fat frozen waffles
40% Reduced Fat Potato Chips
Pint of grape tomatoes
Pint of blueberries
An avocado
3 organic cups of yogurt

Can you see a pattern here?  Okay, okay…the Coke seems incongruous but it is my sugar vice…no diet soda for me..give me the real thing or nothing.  My sister and I call it Liquid Gold.  I know…I know.

The guy in front of me – a young Asian man, had a few items – but all I noticed were numerous cans of cat food and a bag of cat litter…and a piece of notebook paper that appeared to be his list.

The middle-aged guy behind me, bundled up from the cold, layed out on the conveyor belt, the following items:
Quart of milk
Can of cuban coffee
Bag of dried lentils
One deli item in white paper
One bottle (just one) of Irish Red Beer (of unknown brand)
Frozen box of twice baked potatoes
A roll of paper towels
Box of sugar
And I don’t remember the rest because I was trying not to stare.

Asian man had a cat – or maybe it was his girlfriends (he had a list, remember?)…he seemed bored.

Middle-aged man lives alone, is only drinking ONE beer tonight (either just jonesing the brand or has a problem), plans on making lentil soup (?), and most importantly got his coffee (sugar and milk) provisions so he can wake up in the morning.  He has his priorities straight.

What does it say about me?  I’m concerned about my fat intake and I “try”to eat right.  Looks like she has breakfast and lunch ready for the work week.

Next time I’ll buy tampons, sardines, juice boxes, Oreo’s and a toothbrush.  Just to confuse everyone.