Buddha Balboa


Author: Bagande

Author: Bagande (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

No matter how you present it, Valentine’s Day is a mixed box.

And not just of chocolates.

It’s a polarizing Hallmark holiday that causes pressure, excitement or sadness.  It divides the have and have-nots…it’s like the proverbial daisy petal-pulling, “he loves me, he loves me not”….leaving some with nothing but a stem.

Although I am a big romantic at heart, I’m also understanding that romance and love isn’t a day on the calendar.  It isn’t about getting in line with florist industry or the chocolatiers.  It’s about caring.  It’s about expressing love in small ways.  It’s about loving someone even when they aren’t being so lovable.

I dislike the exclusionary factor that Valentine’s brings.  That somehow those who don’t have a sweetheart or those that aren’t falling into bed in bliss are “missing out” or for lack of a better term, “lacking.”  They aren’t. 

Those who didn’t receive flowers or cards today are just as lovable as the rest of us.  There are lots of folks out there just giving the gifts or making dinner reservations because they feel they “have to” and not out of a genuine expression of what they truly feel.  I get that.  Sometimes that’s just the way things are.

But no matter what side you fall on in this red mania, it doesn’t matter.  Because Valentine’s Day isn’t about a day.  It’s a reminder to me, and should be to us all, that what we truly want is pure and simple….we want to be loved.

My gift today, if you’ll allow me, is to tell you that you are loved.  And wanted.  And cherished.  I believe you are good and kind and worthy.  I believe that every person, not just some, deserve to be respected and nurtured.  That cupid doesn’t have a darn thing on the human heart.

Buddha Balboa loves you. – BB